
Seth Rollins | WWE Wiki

Colby Lopez (born May 28, 1986) is an American professional wrestler signed with WWE performing under the ring name Seth Rollins on Raw.


Deutsch: Colby Lopez (geboren am 28. Mai 1986 in Buffalo, Iowa), besser bekannt unter seinem aktuellen Ringnamen Seth Rollins, ist ein US-amerikanischer ...

Seth Rollins - Pro Wrestling Wiki

Seth Rollins · In Pro Wrestling Guerrilla he is a former PWG World Tag Team Champion. · Making his debut in 2005, Black started out with Scott County Wrestling ...


2023年10月5日 — 賽特羅林斯英語Seth Rollins 1986年5月28日本名科比羅培茲英語Colby Lopez 是美國職業摔角選手目前受聘於世界摔角娛樂WWE 並在Raw品牌亮相現任世界 ...


賽特·羅林斯(英語:Seth Rollins,1986年5月28日—),本名科比·羅培茲(英語:Colby Lopez),是美國職業摔角選手,目前受聘於世界摔角娛樂(WWE),並在Raw品牌亮相 ...

Seth Rollins

Colby Daniel Lopez (born May 28, 1986) is an American professional wrestler. He is currently signed to WWE, where he performs on the Raw brand under the ...


ColbyLopez(bornMay28,1986)isanAmericanprofessionalwrestlersignedwithWWEperformingundertheringnameSethRollinsonRaw.,Deutsch:ColbyLopez(geborenam28.Mai1986inBuffalo,Iowa),besserbekanntunterseinemaktuellenRingnamenSethRollins,isteinUS-amerikanischer ...,SethRollins·InProWrestlingGuerrillaheisaformerPWGWorldTagTeamChampion.·Makinghisdebutin2005,BlackstartedoutwithScottCountyWrestling ...,2023年10...